I have a few different trees around the house. My biggest tree is a real pain in the butt putting it together! It's color coded, about 13 years old and missing a lot of the color code stickers.
So I have to lay all of the pieces out and put them in piles by length. Then I start from the top and place the smallest first all the way to the biggest.
Looks pretty skinny and cheap when it first starts out but then as I spread out each set of branches it starts to fill out.
And it starts to look like a real tree and a full tree!
After all the branches are in place and spread out I put the lights on. Then the ornaments are placed all over! And here ya go! Looks awesome!

In the very front living room is my smaller fake tree. This one is much easier to set up. It comes pre-lit and in 2 parts.

You just put the stand together and set the bottom on it & put the top on. Then spread the branches and plug it in! I left it with just the white lights and no ornaments this year. I put a red and white bed dust ruffle down as a tree skirt! It looked awesome!

Here is my small table top jewelry tree. I decorated it with vintage earrings and a necklace!

I kinda like it! I think I will put more pieces on it next year!

How many trees did you put up this year? How were they decorated? Which is your favorite? Well I hope you all had a wonderful Merry Christmas!
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