Sunday, June 15, 2008


Flowers, smells, birds this time of year!
These are some of the flowers around the property that grow all on there own....My non existent green thumb has not helped with the beauty of any of these plants!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful area you live in, and what a great lifestyle you've chosen for yourself. Who wouldn't want to be able to say, "I HAVE to hit that garage sale/flea market/estate's my job!"

    I have a blog on my website,where I do the antique-related jobs I enjoy most: researching,interviewing, photographing and writing.

    The website is also where we upload the entire 200 pages of our free annual travel-size map guide to antique stores and shows in the western states.

    I've already added a link to your blog to my site, and hope you'll consider doing the same. It's
    Bliss Cochran


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